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I. Introduction
The Code of Conduct establishes the set of principles, rules and values of professional ethics that must be recognized and adopted by all employees working for the company - Actour Lda, without prejudice to other standards of conduct. The Code of Conduct also constitutes a reference for the public, regarding the standards of conduct of the company in its relations with third parties, in order to encourage the creation of a climate of trust between the company and all interested parties.

Mutual respect for dignity at all levels of the workplace is one of the fundamental characteristics of successful organizations. That is why inappropriate behaviors such as harassment and violence are unacceptable. They consider it to be in the mutual interest of the company Actour Lda and its workers to intervene to correct less appropriate situations, which could lead to serious social and economic consequences.

II. Objective
The objectives of this agreement are as follows:

  • Increase awareness and understanding of the issues among employers, workers and their representatives;

  • To provide employers, workers and their representatives at all levels with an active framework to identify, prevent and manage problems in the workplace.

Chapter I

Article 1 - Scope

1. This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of the company - Actour Lda, i.e. to all people who work at Actour, including the director, workers and collaborators.

2. The application of this Code of Conduct and its compliance do not prevent or exempt the application of other rules of conduct or ethics, of legal or any other nature, applicable to certain functions, activities or professional groups.

Chapter II

Article 2 - General principles
1. In carrying out their activities, functions and skills, Actour employees must act with the aim of pursuing the interests of the company and respecting the principles of legality, good faith, responsibility, transparency, loyalty, integrity, professionalism and confidentiality, taking into account the mission and the quality, environment and safety policies in force within Actour.

2. The principles referred to in the previous point must be particularly respected in relations with regulatory and control bodies, customers, suppliers, service providers, press organs, public and private entities, the public in general and in internal relations between employees of the Actour company.

Article 3 - Equal treatment and non-discrimination
1. Actour employees must not engage in discriminatory behavior, including on the grounds of race, gender, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, political opinions or religious beliefs.

2. Actour and its employees will guide their actions according to the highest standards of integrity and individual dignity, and will denounce any practice contradicting the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 4 - Diligence, efficiency and responsibility
1. Actour employees must always carry out with zeal, efficiency and responsibility the responsibilities and tasks assigned to them in the exercise of their functions.

2. The performance of Actour employees must be evaluated on the basis of merit and results obtained in the performance of their duties, taking into account the accomplishment of their tasks.

Chapter III

External relations

Article 5 - Information and confidentiality

1. Actour employees are required to maintain absolute secrecy and to reserve from outside parties all information of which they become aware in the exercise of their functions and which, by their nature, may affect the image, interests or business of Actour, in particular when it is of a confidential nature.

2. The preceding number includes in particular personal or other computer data considered confidential, information on business opportunities or current affairs, information on technical skills, working methods and project management developed by Actour, as well as information relating to any project carried out or under development, knowledge of which is limited to Actour employees in the exercise of their functions or by virtue thereof.

3. Unless mandated, Actour employees must refrain from making public statements, on their own initiative or at the request of third parties, in particular when they may compromise Actour's image, particularly by using social media.

Article 6 - Professional relations
1. Without prejudice to the provisions relating to the exercise of certain functions or social positions and unless prior authorization is obtained from the Administration/Management, no Actour employee may exercise professional activity in an entity external to Actour, when their exercise interferes with the performance of their duties as employees of Actour, or in entities whose corporate purpose or activity may conflict with, interfere with or harm the interests and activities of Actour.

2. For the purposes of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, Actour employees must participate in the administration/management of the Actour company in which they will actually perform functions, in the exercise of other professional activities and in any situation of impediment or incompatibility with the exercise of their duties, functions at a given time.

Article 7 - Obligation of loyalty, independence and responsibility
1. Actour employees must assume a commitment of loyalty to it, striving to safeguard its priority, prestige and image in all situations, satisfied with the verticality, impartiality, commitment and objectivity in the analysis of decisions taken on behalf of Actour.

2. In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, Actour employees must always keep its interests in mind, participating with impartiality and professional ethics, refraining from behaviors that tend to favor third parties because of their own interests or those of these third parties and basing their decisions on the highest standards of seriousness, integrity and transparency.

3. Actour employees must strictly respect the limits of responsibilities arising from the functions they perform, using the means that have been made available to them exclusively within the framework and for the purposes of the exercise of their functions.

Article 8 - Competition
Actour will respect market rules, promoting fair competition and avoiding adopting practices that restrict competition.

Article 9 - Compliance with legislation
1. Actour must scrupulously respect and ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory standards applicable to its activities.

2. Actour employees shall not, on behalf of the company and in the course of their activity, violate general law and applicable specific regulations.

Article 10 - Conflict of interest
Actour employees who, in the exercise of their functions and powers, are called upon to intervene in processes or decisions in which the financial or other interests of the employee or of persons or entities linked to him are or may be at stake, must inform Actour in which they actually carry out their professional activity of the existence of these relationships and refrain from participating in decision-making in this regard.

Article 11 - Relations with third parties
1. Actour employees shall not accept or make payments or act in a manner that furthers their interests or those of third parties with customers or suppliers, and all corrupt practices, in any form, are prohibited.

2. Actour employees must refuse to obtain or provide information through illegal means.

3. Offers to third parties must not be made personally and employees must respect the procedure established by Actour for this purpose.

4. Offers from third parties must be refused if it is suspected that they are aimed at achieving objectives contrary to the provisions of this Code of Conduct, in particular when they constitute efforts to influence Actour or the employee in particular.

Article 12 - Relations with regulatory and control authorities
Actour, through the designated employees, will provide the regulatory and control authorities with all the cooperation requested or that proves useful or necessary, without adopting any behavior likely to hinder the exercise of the specific powers of these entities.

Article 13 - Relations with suppliers
1. Actour employees must act in a manner that enables commitments made to service providers to be met and requires them to fully comply with their obligations, as well as with the good practices and rules underlying the activity in question, taking into account the normal functioning of the market.

2. The choice of suppliers must be made on the basis of impartial and transparent criteria, without granting privileges or favouritism and avoiding, as far as possible, situations of exclusivity.

3. Actour shall present that, for the selection of suppliers and for the discussion of services, it is not only the economic-financial indicators, the commercial conditions and the quality of the products or services that must be taken into account, but also the ethical behavior of the supplier, namely compliance with this Code of Conduct.

4. Actour employees must raise awareness among suppliers and service providers of the need to respect ethical principles consistent with those contained in this Code of Conduct.

Article 14 - Relations with customers
1. Actour must ensure equal treatment and non-unjustified discrimination of all customers.

2. Actour must maintain a high level of technical competence, provide quality service and act with efficiency, diligence and neutrality.

3. In dealing with customers, Actour employees must maintain appropriate standards of correctness, civility and affability.

Article 15 - Relations with social communication
1. Information provided to the media or contained in advertising must be informative and truthful, within the cultural and ethical parameters of the community.

2. The information referred to in point 1 of this article must contribute to giving an image of dignity to Actour and to creating value for the company.

Article 16 - Relations with the Community and the environment
Actour must adopt a socially responsible attitude within the Community, public opinion and the market, as well as a conscious policy of environmental sustainability.

Chapter IV

Internal relations

Article 18 - Relations between workers and professional development
1. Actour employees must base their activities in the company on the motivation to increase productivity, involvement and participation, maintaining a healthy and trusting climate, respecting the hierarchical structure, proactive collaboration, sharing knowledge and information and cultivating team spirit.

2. Actour employees will observe the best principles of respect for integrity and dignity in relations between them, and Actour must promote correctness and civility in relations between its employees.

3. Actour employees must continually seek to improve and update their knowledge, with a view to maintaining or improving their professional skills.

Chapter V
The application

Article 19 - Commitment to compliance
All Actour employees are subject to this Code of Conduct from the start of their duties in the company, and must periodically declare that there has been no violation of the principles and duties set out therein.

Article 20 - Communication of irregularities
Any irregularity or violation of this Code of Conduct must be communicated in writing, in digital form (by email) to the Administrator by any employee, customer, supplier or any other directly interested entity of Actour.

Article 21 - Request and submission
1. This Code of Conduct shall come into force immediately upon its approval by the administration/management and its communication to all managers.

2. In case of doubt about the interpretation of an article, Actour employees must consult the administrator.

3. Violation of this Code of Conduct by any employee may result in the initiation of disciplinary proceedings, with such effects as may be deemed appropriate.

Article 22 - Dissemination
Management will promote adequate dissemination of this code of conduct, in order to consolidate the application of the principles and the adoption of the behaviors proposed therein.

Chapter IIIV


Employees, in consultation with workers and/or their representatives, will establish, review and monitor these procedures to ensure their effectiveness in preventing and dealing with potential problems.
All Actour employees and collaborators declare that they have read and understood this code and undertake to respect it scrupulously.

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